1 serie
* -
2 serie
f.1 series.me dijo una serie de cosas (singular)(de sellos, monedas)(de mentiras) he told me a number of things2 series (television).3 run, batch.este coche es de la primera serie que se fabricó (singular) this car is from the first batch that was producedfabricación en serie mass-productioncon ABS de serie with ABS as standardser un fuera de serie (figurative) to be unique, to be one of a kind4 daisy chain.5 course.pres.subj.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: seriar.* * *1 (gen) series2 (conjunto) series, string, succession\fabricado,-a en serie mass-producedfuera de serie out of the ordinary, uniquefabricación en serie mass productionserie mundial DEPORTE world seriesasesino en serie serial killer* * *noun f.1) series2) serial* * *SF1) (=sucesión) (tb Bio, Mat) seriesha escrito una serie de artículos sobre la infancia — she has written a series of articles about childhood
2) (Industria)•
de serie, tamaño de serie — standard sizemodelo de serie — (Aut) standard model
en serie, fabricación en serie — mass productionfabricar o producir en serie — to mass-produce
un fuera de serie — an extraordinary person, one of a kind
artículos fuera de serie — (Com) goods left over, remainders
3) (Elec)4) (Inform)5) (=conjunto) [de monedas, sellos] series; [de inyecciones] course6) (TV, Radio) [en episodios sueltos] series; [en historia continua] serial7) (Cine)8) (Dep) qualifying heat* * *1)a) ( sucesión) seriesserie numérica — (Mat) numerical sequence
b) ( clase) seriescoches/motores de serie — production cars/engines
producción or fabricación en serie — mass production
producir/fabricar en serie — to mass produce
fuera de serie — (fam) out of this world (colloq)
c) (Dep) heat2) (Rad, TV) series; ( historia continua) serial* * *= series, string, iteration.Ex. A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.Ex. Often, the computer is used to aid in the processing of such indexes, and sometimes computer processing is responsible for the creation of multiple entries from one string of index terms.Ex. Any MeSH terms used to describe the documents retrieved are incorporated into the query formulation for further iteration.----* área de serie = series area, series statement area.* asesino en serie = serial killer.* búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.* comprar Algo hecho en serie = buy + off-the-shelf.* en serie = serially, ordinal.* fabricación en serie = mass production.* fabricado en serie = mass-produced, off-the-shelf, out of the box, manufactured.* fabricar en serie = mass-produce.* fuera de serie = crackerjack.* impresora en serie = serial printer.* interfaz de comunicación en serie = serial interface.* mención de serie = series statement.* número de serie = serial number.* portada de la serie = series title page.* reunir una serie de condiciones = meet + set of conditions.* serie constante de = steady stream of.* serie de pensamientos encadenados = chain of thoughts.* serie de televisión = TV serial, television series.* serie determinada de caracteres = character string.* serie documental = documentary series, series.* serie documental televisiva = television documentary series.* serie incompleta = deficient series.* serie monográfica = monographic series.* serie no periódica = non-time series.* serie periódica = time series.* serie televisiva = television serial, television series.* serie televisiva cómica = sitcom.* título de la serie = series title.* toda una serie de = a whole series of.* una serie de = a choice of, a number of, a range of, a series of, a suite of, an array of, a string of, a pattern of, a stream of, a battery of, a succession of.* una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos = a rota of + Nombre.* * *1)a) ( sucesión) seriesserie numérica — (Mat) numerical sequence
b) ( clase) seriescoches/motores de serie — production cars/engines
producción or fabricación en serie — mass production
producir/fabricar en serie — to mass produce
fuera de serie — (fam) out of this world (colloq)
c) (Dep) heat2) (Rad, TV) series; ( historia continua) serial* * *= series, string, iteration.Ex: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.
Ex: Often, the computer is used to aid in the processing of such indexes, and sometimes computer processing is responsible for the creation of multiple entries from one string of index terms.Ex: Any MeSH terms used to describe the documents retrieved are incorporated into the query formulation for further iteration.* área de serie = series area, series statement area.* asesino en serie = serial killer.* búsqueda en serie = serial search, serial searching.* comprar Algo hecho en serie = buy + off-the-shelf.* en serie = serially, ordinal.* fabricación en serie = mass production.* fabricado en serie = mass-produced, off-the-shelf, out of the box, manufactured.* fabricar en serie = mass-produce.* fuera de serie = crackerjack.* impresora en serie = serial printer.* interfaz de comunicación en serie = serial interface.* mención de serie = series statement.* número de serie = serial number.* portada de la serie = series title page.* reunir una serie de condiciones = meet + set of conditions.* serie constante de = steady stream of.* serie de pensamientos encadenados = chain of thoughts.* serie de televisión = TV serial, television series.* serie determinada de caracteres = character string.* serie documental = documentary series, series.* serie documental televisiva = television documentary series.* serie incompleta = deficient series.* serie monográfica = monographic series.* serie no periódica = non-time series.* serie periódica = time series.* serie televisiva = television serial, television series.* serie televisiva cómica = sitcom.* título de la serie = series title.* toda una serie de = a whole series of.* una serie de = a choice of, a number of, a range of, a series of, a suite of, an array of, a string of, a pattern of, a stream of, a battery of, a succession of.* una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos = a rota of + Nombre.* * *A1 (sucesión) seriesvisitamos una serie de pueblos en la montaña we visited a series o succession of mountain villagesuna serie de acontecimientos a series of incidentsserie numérica ( Mat) numerical sequence2 (clase) seriesun modelo de la serie 320 a 320-series modelcoches/motores de serie production cars/enginesofrece de serie dirección hidráulica it offers power-assisted steering as standardproducción or fabricación en serie mass productionproducir/fabricar en serie to mass producefuera de serie out of this world ( colloq)3 ( Dep) heatuna serie sobre la fauna africana a series about African faunaCompuestos:● serie Bpelículas de serie B B-moviesfilm noir* * *
Del verbo seriar: ( conjugate seriar)
serié es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
serie es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
serie sustantivo femenino
fabricación en serie mass production;
producir/fabricar en serie to mass produce;
fuera de serie (fam) out of this world (colloq)c) (Dep) heat
2 (Rad, TV) series;
( historia continua) serial
serie sustantivo femenino
1 series sing; asesino en serie, serial killer
2 (de sellos, billetes) issue
número de serie, serial number
3 (grupo) una serie de parlamentarios decidieron oponerse, a group of M.P.'s decided to object
4 Rad TV series sing
♦ Locuciones: en serie: los fabrican en serie, they are mass-produced
fuera de serie, exceptional
' serie' also found in these entries:
- cada
- capítulo
- comenzar
- compilar
- darse
- enganchada
- enganchado
- escala
- fabricar
- fabricación
- fuera
- gira
- política
- producción
- tanda
- tercera
- tercero
- última
- último
- asesino
- comedia
- continuación
- corrida
- después
- documental
- interminable
- número
- policíaco
- proceso
- protagonista
- regata
- reponer
- reposición
- rosario
- serial
- sucesión
- B movie
- bash out
- chain
- dismember
- episode
- first
- flashback
- last
- later
- latest
- mark
- one-off
- rash
- reversal
- round
- second
- seed
- sequence
- serial
- serial killer
- serialize
- series
- set
- specific
- standard
- star
- stock
- string
- succession
- train
- ultimately
- B
- file
- line
- lowest common denominator
- making
- mass
- over
- row
- spate
- world
* * *serie nf1. [sucesión, conjunto] series [singular];[de mentiras] string;ha escrito una serie de artículos sobre el tema he has written a series of articles on the topic;me dijo una serie de cosas he told me a number of things2. [de televisión] series [singular];película de serie B B-movie3. [de sellos, monedas] set;[de grabados] series4. [producción] run, batch;este coche es de la primera serie que se fabricó this car is from the first batch that was produced;fabricación en serie mass production;con ABS de serie with ABS as standard* * *f2:fabricación en serie mass production;fuera de serie out of this world, extraordinary* * *serie nf1) : series2) serial: serial3)fabricación en serie : mass production4)fuera de serie : extraordinary, amazing* * * -
3 serie mundial
4 serie constante de
Ex. Over the years the profession has tried hard to ignore the steady stream of library school closings.* * *Ex: Over the years the profession has tried hard to ignore the steady stream of library school closings.
5 serie de pensamientos encadenados
(n.) = chain of thoughtsEx. By a curious chain of thoughts she soon found herself reconstituting in detail her association with the Deuxville Public Library.* * *(n.) = chain of thoughtsEx: By a curious chain of thoughts she soon found herself reconstituting in detail her association with the Deuxville Public Library.
Spanish-English dictionary > serie de pensamientos encadenados
6 serie de televisión
(n.) = TV serial, television seriesEx. This article discusses an analysis of Austrian films and their social assumptions as well as the conflict between agrarian and urban cultures in Austria and Germany, also the popular TV serial, and political and human questions.Ex. Popular material includes books with large coloured photographs, those on television series, and taped books.* * *(n.) = TV serial, television seriesEx: This article discusses an analysis of Austrian films and their social assumptions as well as the conflict between agrarian and urban cultures in Austria and Germany, also the popular TV serial, and political and human questions.
Ex: Popular material includes books with large coloured photographs, those on television series, and taped books. -
7 serie determinada de caracteres
(n.) = character stringEx. Records can be retrieved by character strings (that is, sequences of letters and numerals).* * *(n.) = character stringEx: Records can be retrieved by character strings (that is, sequences of letters and numerals).
Spanish-English dictionary > serie determinada de caracteres
8 serie documental
(n.) = documentary series, seriesEx. It's a documentary series about the day-to-day lives of people who make their living in the world of adult entertainment.Ex. A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.* * *(n.) = documentary series, seriesEx: It's a documentary series about the day-to-day lives of people who make their living in the world of adult entertainment.
Ex: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order. -
9 serie documental televisiva
Ex. The Roman Catholic Church is bracing for a new public backlash after agreeing to participate for the first time in a television documentary series about the Inquisition.* * *Ex: The Roman Catholic Church is bracing for a new public backlash after agreeing to participate for the first time in a television documentary series about the Inquisition.
10 serie incompleta
Ex. Apart from the general catalogue, the library uses 7 supplmentary card catalogues (for desiderata, accessions, continuations, deficient series, set course books, standard professional and general text books) designed to facilitate the acquisition process.* * *Ex: Apart from the general catalogue, the library uses 7 supplmentary card catalogues (for desiderata, accessions, continuations, deficient series, set course books, standard professional and general text books) designed to facilitate the acquisition process.
11 serie monográfica
(n.) = monographic seriesEx. A monographic series is a group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole.* * *(n.) = monographic seriesEx: A monographic series is a group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole.
12 serie no periódica
(n.) = non-time seriesEx. MAGIC software allows for the manipulation of time series and non-time series data.* * *(n.) = non-time seriesEx: MAGIC software allows for the manipulation of time series and non-time series data.
13 serie periódica
(n.) = time seriesEx. MAGIC software allows for the manipulation of time series and non-time series data.* * *(n.) = time seriesEx: MAGIC software allows for the manipulation of time series and non-time series data.
14 serie televisiva
f.TV series, television serial.* * *(n.) = television serial, television seriesEx. No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.Ex. Popular material includes books with large coloured photographs, those on television series, and taped books.* * *(n.) = television serial, television seriesEx: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.
Ex: Popular material includes books with large coloured photographs, those on television series, and taped books. -
15 serie televisiva cómica
16 serie
• sequence• series -
17 serie cronológica
• time series -
18 serie de acción
• action series• action show -
19 serie de artículos
• line of goods• series of articles -
20 serie de beneficios
• series of benefits• whole range of benefits• whole range of facilities• whole range of features
См. также в других словарях:
série — [ seri ] n. f. • 1715; lat. series, spécialisé dès le XVIIe en math. 1 ♦ Math. Somme d un nombre fini de termes. Série harmonique : somme des inverses des entiers. Série convergente, telle que la somme de ses n premiers termes tend vers une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Serie televisee — Série télévisée Séries télévisées par période / genre / origine Liste complète Une série télévisée (en abrégé série, ou familièrement série télé) est une œuvre de fiction audiovisuelle, composée d épisodes construits autour d éléments communs… … Wikipédia en Français
Série (télévision) — Série télévisée Séries télévisées par période / genre / origine Liste complète Une série télévisée (en abrégé série, ou familièrement série télé) est une œuvre de fiction audiovisuelle, composée d épisodes construits autour d éléments communs… … Wikipédia en Français
Série TV — Série télévisée Séries télévisées par période / genre / origine Liste complète Une série télévisée (en abrégé série, ou familièrement série télé) est une œuvre de fiction audiovisuelle, composée d épisodes construits autour d éléments communs… … Wikipédia en Français
Série numérique — Série (mathématiques) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Série. En mathématiques, la série constitue une généralisation de la notion de somme, pour une succession infinie de termes. L étude des séries consiste à effectuer la somme d un nombre fini … Wikipédia en Français
Série semi-convergente — Série (mathématiques) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Série. En mathématiques, la série constitue une généralisation de la notion de somme, pour une succession infinie de termes. L étude des séries consiste à effectuer la somme d un nombre fini … Wikipédia en Français
Série télé — Série télévisée Séries télévisées par période / genre / origine Liste complète Une série télévisée (en abrégé série, ou familièrement série télé) est une œuvre de fiction audiovisuelle, composée d épisodes construits autour d éléments communs… … Wikipédia en Français
Serie-B — Verband FIGC Erstaustragung 6. Oktober 1929 Mannschaften 22 Teams … Deutsch Wikipedia
Serie A — Vorlage:InfoboxFußballwettbwerb/Wartung/Logoformat Verband FIGC Erstaustragung 6. Oktober 1929 Hierarchie 1. Liga Mannschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Serie derivee — Série dérivée Une série dérivée, ou spin off, est une série télévisée ou bande dessinée qui se déroule dans le même univers de fiction qu une série précédente, mais avec de nouveaux personnages. Les deux séries partagent parfois les mêmes décors … Wikipédia en Français
Serie entiere — Série entière Pour les articles homonymes, voir Entier (homonymie). En mathématiques et particulièrement en analyse, une série entière est une série de fonctions de la forme où les coefficients an forment une suite réelle ou complexe. La série… … Wikipédia en Français